Race Volunteers
Course Setup, Maintenance and Tear-down Full Day / | The Course Setup, Maintenance and Tear-down crew must have either experience in the ski racing arena or be willing to learn quickly and above all, be good skiers capable of carrying equipment and other tasks on the hill. You will be expected to check in with the Chief of Course ready to work at 6:45 AM and immediately head out onto the hill to help with setup of the course. During the race, you will be required to help with course maintenance as needed and other courses related tasks throughout the day. After the race, it is very important that you help tear down the course. Volunteers should coordinate with the Chief of Race at the beginning of the day and check-in throughout the day. |
Gate Judges Full Day / |
The Gate Judge is responsible for watching every racer complete an
assigned number of Gates. When a racer misses one of those gates, the
Gate Judge is required to note the skier who missed the gate and draw
a simple example of what happened. The morning of the race, all Gate
Judges must attend the Gate Judges meeting which is led by the Head
Gate Judge (this meeting will give confidence to new gate keepers and
allow the Head Gate Judge to have an accurate count to assure gate
coverage). Gate Judges are assigned to work a Full Day. They will have
a short break between the first and second runs of the race. A PDF of
slides has been compiled outlining the roles of a gate judge with
examples of gate faults and gate card diagrams. Gate Judge slides – Jan 2015 Gate Training Videos” – The Most Important People on the Hill http://www.youtube.com/embed/U9nmxKAUQNY http://www.youtube.com/embed/qOEjgu0ljjg Or Download gate judge video (this is a large file) |
Post Series Bib Washer/Sorter Full Day No skiing required. | This individual collects the bibs from the Bib Collectors after a race series is completed and takes them home, washes them, stacks them in numerical order, returns them to the Registration before the next race, and lets the Race Administrator know which numbers are missing |
Volunteer Coordinator Full Season | The Volunteer Coordinator is responsible for managing the Volunteer signup process. The Volunteer Coordinator needs to be available for questions regarding the volunteer positions and or the fulfillment requirements. Prior to each race the Coordinator shall contact all the volunteers for the race and make appropriate adjustments to cover any shortages. The Volunteer Coordinator may also be responsible for Race Registration duties and other volunteer positions as deemed necessary. He/she is responsible for signing in volunteers and providing volunteers with race day information on where and when volunteers need to be in certain locations. This person is also responsible for coordinating with Stevens Pass for those needing day of race lift tickets and distributing lift ticket vouchers at the conclusion of the race. |
Registration and Bib Collecting Full Day No skiing required. | These individuals are responsible for the registration area. They will set up the tables to prepare for registration and will clear them after registration. They will hand out bibs to coaches or athletes, depending on the plan for that race. They are also responsible for the collection of bibs at the finish and delivering them either back to the SPAC shack or, if it is the end of a race series, to the volunteer for Bib Washer/Sorter. A final task is dispensing candy at the finish when collecting bibs, if applicable (Mighty Mite races) |
Starter Full Day | The Starter is at the start of the race and is responsible for giving the countdown or signal for each racer to start his/her race. |
Assistant Starter/Lineup Full Day | The Assistant Starter calls the competitors to the start in their start order and assists in getting the racers lined up and into the start area. |
Hand Timers Full Day Skiing may be required depending on race venue location | These individuals, two at the start and two at the finish, use a stopwatch and clipboard to hand record all the starts/finishes for use in case of an electrical timing malfunction. Please note that you will need to be able to press a small button on the timer or record times- so it is recommended that you have tight fitting gloves. |
Electronic Timers Full Day Skiing may be required depending on race venue location. | These individuals assist the Chief of Timing in handling the electronic equipment in the finish shack. |
Announcer & PA Setup/Takedown Full Day Skiing may be required depending on race venue location | This person announces the racers’ names and times as they cross the finish. This person is responsible for the set-up and take down of the PA system. This person will be under a tent outside next to the finish corral. Skiing may be necessary depending on race venue location. |
Coffee Patrol Full Day Skiing required | This pair of volunteers deliver hot chocolate and coffee to the volunteers on the race course throughout the entire race. It requires getting the supplies from the SPAC Shack, refilling the carafes as needed and the ability to ski while carrying thermos and supplies. |
Lunch Maker Full Day No skiing required. | This job includes buying the ingredients, making the lunches, delivering them to the lodge the morning of the race and picking up extras after lunches have been distributed. Non-perishables should be stored and used for the next race day. Receipts for purchases are submitted to the SPAC Bookkeeper for reimbursement. |
Mitey Mite Course Set Up/Take Down | Skilled skiers needed to help set-up and take down the training venue for our Mighty-Mights, so our coaches can focus on the athletes. This position will require completion of 4 days of help to fulfill 1 day of your volunteer requirement. You will meet at the SPAC shack at 8:40 a.m., gather equipment, and head to Kehr’s chair to load and deliver equipment on the mountain. One of our seasoned parents will be leading this opportunity for volunteering. You will then need to assist in returning the equipment to the SPAC shack and storing it correctly after training is over at 2:00 p.m. You are free during the day to do what you would like. |
Race Organizing Committee
Chief of Race Full Day | The Chief of Race must be licensed and certified. The Chief of Race directs all preparations of the competition and supervises the activities in the technical area. He/she summons meetings for consideration of technical questions and leads the team captains’ meeting after consultation with the TD. |
Start Referee Full Day | The Start Referee must be licensed and certified. He/she must remain at the start throughout the training and/or the race making sure that the regulations for the start and the start organization are properly observed and recorded. He/she determines late and false starts and reports the names of the competitors who did not start, have made false or late starts or other infringements and reports the violations against the rules for equipment. The Start Referee is expected to sign in with the Registration Lead at 7:00 AM and is responsible for setting up the start area, along with the two Start Setup volunteers. |
Finish Referee Full Day | The Finish Referee must be licensed and certified. This person is required to set up the finish corral and the timing eyes. He/she must remain at the finish throughout the training and the race and make sure that the regulations for the organization of the finish are the finish in-run and out-run are properly observed and recorded. This person supervises the finish area and the timing shack and must be able to communicate immediately with the start at all times. |
Head Gate Judge Full Day | The Head Gate Judge organizes and supervises the work of the gate judges beginning with the gate judge meeting before the race and ensuring all information is accurate on gate judge cards at the conclusion of the race. The Head Gate Judge must distribute to each gate judge the material needed(control card, pencil, start list, etc.) and be prepared to offer assistance to help keep the spectators off the course or to help maintain the course, etc. He/she designates the gates each gate judge will supervise and places the gate judges in position after describing their job to them. He/She must make certain that the numbering and marking of the gates are done within the required time. At the end of each run, he/she will collect the gate judges’ control card for delivery to the Referee. At the end of the day, the Head Gate Judge will deliver the buckets back to the SPAC shack, unpack them and prepare them for the next race day. |
Race Administrator Full Season | Race Administrator is responsible for all secretarial work dealing with the technical aspects of the competition. This official is responsible for preparation of the Draw, accuracy of Start Lists, Official Results, minutes of Team Captains’ and Jury meetings, preparation of forms required by Timing and Gate Judging crews, receiving official Protests and publishing and duplicating Official Results in a timely manner. |
Chief of Course Full Day | Chief of Course must be familiar with local snow conditions on the concerned terrain and is responsible for the preparation of the courses in accordance with the directives and decisions of the Jury. The Chief of Course supervises course maintenance during the race and supervises all clean-up operations. Due to the rapidly changing nature of the sport, the sport’s snow preparation requirements as well as the requirements involved in the choice and placement of on-hill protection/security measures, the duties of Chief of Course are best learned through mentorship and on-hill training with an experienced Chief of Course. |
Chief of Timing and Calculations Full Day | The Chief of Timing and Calculations must be licensed and certified. This position is responsible for the coordination of officials at the start and finish, including timing and calculations, and determination of intervals between starts. This position is located in the finish shack. |
Volunteer Training
Referee or other training to become licensed | Every year PNSA offers training to become licensed/certified. Several positions require individuals to get their license.You can find out more at the PNSA website. |
Board of Directors
Member of the Board | Elected in the spring, the Board of Directors provides important guidance and leadership for SPAC. The Board meets monthly. You will be expected to be an active participant in all Board activities. |