
SPAC uses TeamSnap to schedule and information distribution. It is a key means for families to stay connected and to communicate and get communication. We have put together the following list of tips for items that we think families may find helpful. Please note that signing up and reserving your athlete’s training and racing spot is essential to maintaining the correct coaching ratios for the club. Please be sure to reserve your athlete’s spots at least two weeks in advance of the event.

  1. Mark athlete’s availability for each date of anticipated participation in the TeamSnap schedule. (i.e., training days, camps, race events etc.) Review each date/event carefully before you mark availability since some races this season will have a specific day for female racers and a separate day for male racers.
  2. If your athlete is not participating on a scheduled TeamSnap event, please mark NO for their availability. (i.e., child is registered for One Day Program-Saturdays for the season, therefore I mark NO on all Sundays in TeamSnap)
  3. Please mark your availability 2 weeks before the date of the event.
  4. Some events are not included in standard training packages. For example, the Christmas Camp add-on has an additional fee. Payment can be completed in ShredReg and then you will mark YES in the event availability for the add-on in TeamSnap. Complete your add-ons availability as far in advance as possible since away races may require extra coaches to travel or camps may have minimum headcounts.
  5. Please continue to check TeamSnap often as things are routinely updated and added by the coaching leadership.
  6. Team chats, Coach posts, and emails stored in the app can be a SPAC parents lifeline to more detailed information. Chats are useful for finding a venue, a carpool, an extra adult to relay a message or locate misplaced equipment.
  7. Alerts is a feature on TeamSnap can quickly update participants of last-minute changes faster than word of mouth. (i.e., High winds, race postponed! —Meet coach in NE corner of lodge.)
  8. Photo Albums in TeamSnap allow us to share candid skiing and podium snapshots with one another. The Albums titled “Social Media Album” is intended for your photos that you consent to the club using on public apps such as Instagram and
  9. For more how-to tips visit